Home Renovation Workday
What is it?
Phoenixville Refuge, a mission of Iron Works Church to serve the city, is looking to partner with Good Works, a local non-profit that partners with churches and local businesses to renovate Chester County homes for those in need. Currently, there are no churches in Phoenixville involved in this mission - but you could help step into that gap.
To explore this partnership, Good Works is organizing a workday for Iron Works on October 12th, 8:30am–4pm, which will focus on renovating local homes.
How can you be involved?
Join the renovation crew! A crew of 6–8 is needed. While previous experience with home repairs and renovation is appreciated, anyone is welcome to come and help, including teens.
Or, prepare a lunch for the team if hammer-wielding isn’t your thing.
If you're interested, please contact David Wagner and Wade Pegon by September 29th.