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Home Groups
are all about loving one another.
We meet every other week for dinner, to discuss a passage from the Bible, and to pray, asking God to show up in our lives.
Middle & High school youth Groups
are about walking with God and one another.
We meet together every other week for dinner, games, time in the scripture, and prayer.
Women’s Bible StudIES
are about discovering God through His word.
The Tuesday morning group meets every other week from 9:30-11:00am.
Childcare is provided. Contact us for the next meeting date.
The Thursday evening group meets every other week from 7-9pm.
Contact us for the next meeting date.
Iron Men
is about deep friendships, spiritual bonds, and a brotherhood of accountability.
We meet biweekly on Tuesdays. Meal starts at 6p, with discussions from 7–8:30p.