Iron Works Kids & Youth

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly
—Colossians 3:16


As parents, one of our deepest desires is to see our children love God with all their hearts and minds—that His word wouldn’t just bounce off the surface, but instead, dwell in them richly, producing a life of thankfulness and worship.

We also desire to involve our kids in as many ways as possible to deepen their faith—to help them learn how to worship in the service, and to learn from them ourselves.

We understand the desire to parent well in the face of so many challenges. Whether you’re a veteran or just getting started, it seems our kids are traversing evermore difficult terrain. Rather than despair, we invite you to engage with the Lord and His people.

The Holy Spirit continues to work through the community of Iron Works, growing us up in every way into Him who is the head (Eph. 4). Like all phases of the Christian life, parenting should not be done alone.

So let us root for you. Let us pray faithfully for you and your children. Let us walk with you, and we will seek wisdom together.


More about Children & Family Ministry at Iron Works

Kids Church

Doodle Sunday

Youth Group

Sunday School