
Looking for a few good men...and women...and families...and stories...and reviews!

Life in the Forge is looking for guest writers, reviewers, and families for the Forging Families series. Take a look at the descriptions below and let Taraneh Kerley know if you are interested.

  • Write an original post: You may write on any topic related to family life, discipleship, parenting, or spiritual formation. You’ll need to get your topic approved first!

  • Participate in the Forging Families Series: An interview with an Iron Works family or parent about their parenting and/or a unique aspect of their family's experience. You don’t have to know it all; this is an opportunity to share your family’s unique story, testify to your faith, or share parts of your story that may offer encouragement, guidance, or support to others at Iron Works. Depending on the content gathered, these pieces may appear in interview or narrative format.

  • Write a Review: Have a great parenting or family life resource to share? Write a review!

Contact Taraneh:

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