Posts in family
There's a Seat at the Table

Gather, bless, eat, share, and serve. This has been happening throughout time in countless homes as families and friends share meals together. The concept is not new. People have been gathering together to share meals for centuries. So in September when I attended a homeschool conference with the Wild and Free community I was pleasantly surprised to hear Sally Clarkson, a veteran homeschooler as it turns out, share about her experience and enthusiasm around the concept of “nurturing faith through feasting, one meal at a time” as her subtitle indicates in her new book, The Life-Giving Table.

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On Suffering

God never expects us to be immune to pain, to pretend it isn’t happening, to fake happiness when we are grieving. He gave us tears to shed. He made us with the full capacity to feel the physical and invisible pains of the human experience. He made us human.


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Perfectly Imperfect

I am sure, dear reader, that you have your own memories of moments or days like this. Perhaps you are having one today: Your efforts are in vain, your sacrifices feel for naught, nothing is going right, and your worth seems bundled up into a tiny, barely perceptible knot somewhere in your aching chest.

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Our Children Need the Whole Church [Guest Blogger: Ryan Estes]

Here’s something else about this Church we’re a part of: Kelly and I can’t provide all the water those seeds need. Our parents water them. Our siblings. And our friends, our brothers and sisters in Christ—those who are younger, older, those with many kids and those with none, those who long to be married, those who long for children. They (you) water as well. You are instruments of grace in my girls’ lives. They need you. I need you.

And then it’s up to God to give the growth.

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