About: Children and Family Ministry at Iron Works Church

Our family ministry is rich in substance. You won’t find self-help books or quick fixes here. What you will find is a community of believers in Christian teaching, rich in all its fullness and depth, seeking to do their best in a broken world.  Daily, we confront the ups and downs of child-rearing and the exhaustion of the 9-to5 while juggling family commitments, the quest to find time for intimacy and connection with our spouse, and the pressures of to-do lists. Sometimes we can barely hear, never mind answer, Scripture’s call to disciple our children, to serve our spouse, to treasure our family. Other times we hear it—oh, how we hear it—and making the time to heed that call fights its way to the top of the pile.

We strive to be a community of parents, of husbands and wives, of men and women, who do not find time as if it were lost, but make time, as if we care enough to carve it from the heavy stone of obligations, commitments, and work. We aim to be intentional in how we use our time, prioritizing the things that matter for eternity, the things of the heart, the things of the soul.

 We value and recognize the gift of family and its importance in raising our tiniest disciples to know, love, and grow in Christ. We embrace not only the fullness and richness of marriage as a gift from God but also the challenges of bringing together two imperfect people.

We seek to live out the Gospel while avoiding the legalism that creates shame, the liberalism that expects little of us, the moralism that prioritizes obedience before faith, and the pragmatism that focuses on what feels good and easy about following Christ.

We throw open our doors to welcome all families, regardless of where they are in their faith walk, of how strong their biblical knowledge is, or even of what their lifestyles look like. We engage with our community with servants’ hearts, seeking to spread the love of Christ while remaining culturally engaged. We run toward the challenges parents face in an increasingly secular world and walk beside them to navigate through the bad to find the good.

You and your little, or big, ones are welcome here.