GRACE Safeguarding Training
We want Iron Works to be a place of safety and respect. The Scriptures command us as followers of Christ to “rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 82:4). With this in mind, we partnered with GRACE, an awesome organization that has provided training for everyone at Iron Works to safeguard against abuse. We urge you to engage with this training to gain these skills. The matter of abuse and health in our church is incredibly serious, but you can help make sure Iron Works remains a safe place for children and others who are vulnerable.
If you serve in any kind of leadership role or with children (as an officer, staff member, home group leader or host, family ministry volunteer, men or women’s ministry leader, pastor, or Phoenixville Refuge leader) you are required to complete this training.
I was told I need to complete the safeguarding training. What do I need to do?
All family ministry volunteers; men’s ministry leaders; women’s ministry leaders; home group leaders, hosts, and their spouses; Phoenixville Refuge leaders; and Iron Works Church staff.
Watch the general Safeguarding Training Seminar Part 1 and Part 2 (4 hours of content).
Sign the Volunteer Affidavit and email to the church office.
Church officers (ruling elders, deacons, and deacons’ assistants), pastors, key staff members, and key Phoenixville Refuge leadership. If you aren’t sure what training you are required to complete, please contact the church office.
Watch the general Safeguarding Training Seminar Part 1 and Part 2 (4 hours of content).
Watch the Leadership Safeguarding Training Seminar (3 hours).
Sign the Leadership Affidavit and email to the church office.
What do the seminars cover?
The training is broken up into two sessions: one aimed at everyone within the church, and a second one aimed at leadership.
GRACE’s Safeguarding Training is designed to give every adult the education and tools they need to live the policy of the church well. Everyone in a church plays a role in keeping kids and other vulnerable people safe. The safest church is an educated church.
The training is divided into four segments:
1. Facing the Reality of Abuse in the Church
How the Bible Speaks to Abuse
Jesus’s Teaching and Basic Abuse Dynamics
Definitions and Prevalence of Abuse
Scenario: Recognizing Abuse Dynamics
The Role All Play in a Safe Community
2. Responding to the Impact of Abuse
Common Impacts of Abuse
Introduction to Trauma
Becoming a Trauma-Informed Community
Practical Skills When Caring for Survivors
3. Understanding Offenders and Their Tactics
Common Offender Dynamics
Grooming Behavior: Clergy and Child Offenders
Interactive Exercise: Recognizing Grooming Behavior
Recognizing DARVO as an Offender Tactic
Accountability and Forgiveness
4. Your Role in Prevention and Response
Your Role in Upholding Safe Boundaries
Responding to Concerning Behavior
Reporting Child Abuse: Basics and Q&A
When to Report Child Abuse: Common Reporting Situations
How Children Disclose Abuse
Responding to Adult Abuse
The training will address such questions as:
What does the Bible have to say about abuse?
How prevalent is child abuse in the US and in our churches?
What are common myths about abuse?
How do we care for survivors of abuse?
What are common indicators of child abuse and why do they need professional care?
How do we recognize and respond to concerning behavior?
How can we prevent abuse well without being paranoid or suspicious of everyone?
How does abuse prevention really work?
How and when do we report abuse?
How do children normally disclose abuse?
GRACE’s Leadership Training is designed to give leaders essential tools to shape a culture where the policy and training on abuse are effective. The training explores the key systemic issues leaders need to work on so the community is better equipped to take ownership of protecting the vulnerable. The broad topics covered include a framework for leaders as they cultivate a strong culture of protection:
1. Leaders Must Connect Issues of Abuse to the Christian Faith
How God Speaks to Abuse
Abuse and the Church’s Mission and Values
Abuse of Power and the Bible
2. Leaders Must Raise the Education Level of the Church
Meeting People in Denial and Myths
Educating the Community
Education and Survivor Dynamics
Education and Offender Dynamics
3. Leaders Must Implement Appropriate Standards of Conduct
Establishing Community Boundaries
Establishing Pathways for Accountability
4. Leaders Must Develop a Culture of Accountability
Categories for Response
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Leadership Priorities after a Report
Responding to Adult Abuse
The Importance of Independent Consultation and Investigation