Corona Virus Preparations at Iron Works Church

Dear Iron Works—

As the COVID-19 corona virus has begun to appear in our area, I want to update you on the plans Iron Works has in place to work toward preventing its spread on Sunday mornings.

What is Iron Works doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

• Those serving communion will be asked to wear neoprene gloves during communion and to sanitize their hands after putting the gloves on. I'd also like to take a moment to remind everyone of the most hygienic way to serve and take communion: Servers, who have sanitized their hands, should place a piece of bread in the outstretched hand of those receiving communion. This keeps the number of people touching the bread—and thus the transmission of bacteria—to a minimum.

•  To be absolutely sure, we are going to pause our use of the common cup (although studies have indicated that the risks of contracting illness from the cup are negligible). Wine will still be available in individual cups in a separate tray from grape juice.

•  You'll see an increased presence of hand sanitizer, and we encourage you to use it often. All winter our cleaning staff have been focused on frequently sanitizing high-traffic surfaces like doorknobs, and they’ll continue to do that.

•  Finally, starting this Sunday, we'll bring back our livestream of the service. Every Sunday beginning at 10:25 you'll be able to listen to the service live via the IWC app and at

What can you do to prevent the spread of this virus at Iron Works?

•  Let’s all agree: It's okay not to shake hands or hug during the passing of the peace! Person-to-person contact is the most common method of transmitting this virus, so during this time, let’s establish a norm where you can feel free just to nod or wave.

•  If you're feeling sick with a fever and cold-like symptoms, please stay and worship via the livestream.

•  Care for your neighbor! If you know someone is quarantined, take them groceries and find other ways to meet their needs. If you and your family are quarantined, let our deacons know ( | 484-302-8239‬) so we can care for you as a fellow member of the body of Christ.

What happens if we aren’t able to meet?

In the event that large gatherings are strongly discouraged, we've got a contingency plan in place to continue our Sunday worship service through a remote online service that would allow for anyone in the church to connect to liturgy, music, and preaching without leaving home. We'll send out detailed information about that in the event it becomes necessary.

We're closely following the information coming out of Chester County Health Department and will continue to put in place whatever measures are necessary to prevent the spread of this virus at Iron Works gatherings. If you have any further questions or concerns, please just get in touch.

Laura Williams

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