Church Safeguarding Training Seminar

February 3rd, 9a–2p
lunch & childcare provided

GRACE’s Safeguarding Training is designed to give every adult the education and tools they need to live the policy of the church well. Everyone in a church plays a role in keeping kids and other vulnerable people safe. The safest church is an educated church.

The training is divided into four segments:

1. Facing the Reality of Abuse in the Church

  • How the Bible Speaks to Abuse

  • Jesus’s Teaching and Basic Abuse Dynamics

  • Definitions and Prevalence of Abuse

  • Scenario: Recognizing Abuse Dynamics

  • The Role All Play in a Safe Community

2. Responding to the Impact of Abuse

  • Common Impacts of Abuse

  • Introduction to Trauma

  • Becoming a Trauma-Informed Community

  • Practical Skills When Caring for Survivors

3. Understanding Offenders and Their Tactics

  • Common Offender Dynamics

  • Grooming Behavior: Clergy and Child Offenders

  • Interactive Exercise: Recognizing Grooming Behavior

  • Recognizing DARVO as an Offender Tactic

  • Accountability and Forgiveness

4. Your Role in Prevention and Response

  • Your Role in Upholding Safe Boundaries

  • Responding to Concerning Behavior

  • Reporting Child Abuse: Basics and Q&A

  • When to Report Child Abuse: Common Reporting Situations

  • How Children Disclose Abuse

  • Responding to Adult Abuse

The training will address such questions as:

  • What does the Bible have to say about abuse?

  • How prevalent is child abuse in the US and in our churches?

  • What are common myths about abuse?

  • How do we care for survivors of abuse?

  • What are common indicators of child abuse and why do they need professional care?

  • How do we recognize and respond to concerning behavior?

  • How can we prevent abuse well without being paranoid or suspicious of everyone?

  • How does abuse prevention really work?

  • How and when do we report abuse?

  • How do children normally disclose abuse?