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Holy Week at Iron Works


We invite you to join us on Good Friday at 7:15p for a candlelit tenebrae service worshiping Jesus, the Son of God who was broken for our sins.

Then, praise together with us as we celebrate our Savior’s resurrection on Easter Sunday at 10:30a. Nursery care will be available for kids four and under.


400 Franklin Ave., Phoenixville

MORE ABOUT: kids   |   parking   |   service   |   people  



Kids are always welcome in the service, noises and all. Coloring supplies and clipboards are always available at the kids’ table in the cafe area.

Kids aged 0–4 can have a great time during part or all of the service in safe nursery care run by background-checked volunteers.

Kids aged 2.5–2nd grade will be able to participate in Doodle Sunday, a Sunday in the month where our kids stay in the service with us. They can have fun with guided dances and hand motions to go with the praise music, and engage with the service through a special worship guide with activities and drawing prompts. Doodle Guides and coloring supplies can be picked up from the Kids’ Table in the hallway outside the santuary.

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Getting There

Main Parking

Iron Works is located inside Franklin Commons, a mixed-use building on the north side of Phoenixville. We love that our home is a part of Phoenixville history, and that we are right the midst of other great businesses and community organizations…but it can sometimes make finding parking a bit of a challenge.

Don’t worry; we’ve saved the perfect spot for you. Just tap the button below for Google Maps directions straight to it.

Once you park, enter through the middle door (under the Iron Works Church sign), and follow the hallway straight to the worship service.

Other Parking

The bigger parking lot off of Franklin Avenue is often filled with parking attendants and signs from our neighbor, JRNY Church.

If you park up there, don’t worry, you’re still in the right place. Look for the signs directing you to Iron Works; you’ll have to walk past JRNY’s greeters and out through a courtyard (Campus Walk) to get to IWC.




Services contain readings of scripture, prayers, preaching from the Bible, and communion. In worship, we focus on what God says to us in the Scriptures and how He calls us to respond.


Liturgy simply means “order of worship.” You can get a sense of the order IWC follows by taking a look at our Worship Guide. A liturgical service might be a little unfamiliar for you, and that’s okay. We aim to make it accessible for anyone, even if you’re not familiar with liturgy.


You’ll hear a mix of familiar hymns—sometimes set to a new tune—as well as modern praise music on Sundays. You can get a sense of our musical style from our 2017 EP, Songs of Approach. You can also check out a Spotify playlist of what we’ll be singing this Sunday.


In Iron Works sermons, the deepest questions of faith and life are asked and answered with all the fullness of the historic Christianity. Check out our sermon archives for a sample of the preaching you’ll hear at Iron Works.




Iron Works is a community of people who seek to humbly celebrate the unchanging God. None of us has it together, and we don’t expect that of you, either. We firmly believe that every one of us is in need of the saving work of Jesus Christ.

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