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where to watch | service | Kids | connect
There are some times it is simply impossible to get in the car and come to church. For those mornings when the kids are crying, when you wake up with a cold, or when milk got spilled on the floor, we’ve got you covered with our service livestream and other online resources.
If you’re uncomfortable coming in person, you can still get connected! We’d love to pray for you, answer any questions you might have, or just say hi.
Where to Watch
Starting at 10:15 on Sundays, you can tune into the service through—
Iron Works Livestream (high quality)
Follow along with the scripture, music, and preaching from the worship guide.
Services contain readings of scripture, prayers, preaching from the Bible, and communion. In worship, we focus on what God says to us in the Scriptures and how He calls us to respond.
Liturgy simply means “order of worship.” You can get a sense of the order IWC follows by taking a look at our Worship Guide. A liturgical service might be a little unfamiliar for you, and that’s okay. We aim to make it accessible for anyone, regardless of where you’re coming from.
You’ll hear a mix of familiar hymns—sometimes set to a new tune—as well as modern praise music on Sundays. You can get a sense of our musical style from our 2017 EP, Songs of Approach. You can also check out a Spotify playlist of what we’ll be singing this Sunday.
In Iron Works sermons, the deepest questions of faith and life are asked and answered with all the fullness of the historic Christianity. Check out our sermon archives for a sample of the preaching you’ll hear at Iron Works.
Getting kids to sit still can be nothing short of a miracle. We know—we’ve spent a lot of time recently corralling our own kids in front of the livestream on Sunday mornings.
While it isn’t available every Sunday, we do have Doodle Sunday on the first Sunday each month. We make the Doodle Guide available for you to print so your kids can follow along with sermon-based coloring pages, word searches, and drawing prompts.
If you’re not comfortable visiting in person, you don’t have to stay isolated! You can connect with events and people at Iron Works at a variety of levels:
Get to know others through a small group. We know that connection to one another is key to thriving, so we’d love to help you find a group that fits your needs.
Finally, you can always text us at 484-928-0650 with any questions or email the church office.